FAQs About the Strive Planner App for RMs
Find answers to common questions about how Strive Planner helps returned missionaries maintain their spiritual habits.
Frequently asked questions
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- Is this a replacement for the AreaBook or PMG app?
- Strive Planner is designed to be a complete replacement for the PMG app, tailored specifically for returned missionaries. While we're continuously adding features to match and exceed the PMG app's functionality, our focus is on creating an experience that better serves RMs in their post-mission life. As for AreaBook, Strive Planner incorporates similar planning and tracking concepts but reimagined for personal rather than proselyting use.
- How is this app useful after a mission?
- Strive Planner helps you maintain the positive habits you developed during your mission, such as daily scripture study, prayer, and goal setting. It provides a structured approach to spiritual growth while adapting to post-mission life. The app includes features for tracking personal goals, maintaining a spiritual journal, and setting reminders for important practices, all designed to help you continue your spiritual journey as a returned missionary.
- Will there be an Android app?
- Currently, Strive Planner is available exclusively for iOS devices. We'll prioritize Android development based on user interest - if enough RMs let us know they want an Android version, we'll make it happen! If you're interested in using Strive Planner on Android, please email us or fill out our quick interest form. Your feedback will directly influence our development priorities!
- What makes Strive Planner different from other planning apps?
- Strive Planner is uniquely designed with returned missionaries in mind. It combines familiar elements from missionary tools with features specifically tailored for post-mission life. The app includes PMG-inspired goal setting, spiritual journaling, and habit tracking, all within a framework that understands and supports the transition from missionary service to everyday discipleship.